16 February 2015

Who are you again?

Last post was 17th November huh?  Well I didn't think it had been that long but the internet never lies!

Since then we've had two meetings and managed a book list for the start of the year...which seems slightly redundant now but hey you might want to go back to them.
n December we had our Christmas do and a fascinating talk from Rev.Neil Hook on science fiction and were tasked with reading H.G. Wells War of the Worlds and The Time Machine.  We talked about these at our last meeting on February 4th...that's the royal we as not only do I completely forget to write blog posts I forget to attend meetings too!
Anyhoo, the book we will be discussing at our next meeting, Wednesday 4th March,  is Jessie Burton  "The Miniaturist."

We've also been asked to have a think about how the group is run as we're bursting with capacity at the moment with over 18 members (quite possibly the largest book group in the world...see above comment about the internet never lying) and we even have a waiting list...whodda thunk it!?  So if you have any fancy ideas on how we can manage the group better so we can get the range of views and opinions let me know in the comments below. Who knows I might even reply ;-)